
Corporate Responsibility is about thinking 'short', 'medium' and 'long term' in everyday business decisions.

Our Responsibility

Our focus areas

Finding the opportunities that lie beneath the Healthcare and is a dynamic industry with significant opportunities

Medical and Healthcare business is our blood flowing through our vein and arteries. MaCkals focused on Healthcare Services, Technology, Equipment, Devices Product and Pharmaceutical Trading and Medical Tourism. Our culture is about co-creation and in partnership with others. With businesses, cities and science working with network connectivity, we employ our knowledge, experience and skill set to catalyze innovations and solutions for making human life become more happier and safer.

Major tectonic shifts are occurring, not only in regulations but also in three other areas: technology (both medical science and technology and the onward march of big data, advanced analytics, machine learning, and digital), industry orientation (the move toward B2C and rapidly rising consumer expectations), and reallocation of risk across the value chain. These forces are fundamentally altering the structure of the industry and basis of competition

Ethics & compliance

Doing the right thing in every part of the company is a serious challenge - which demands a serious approach.

The MaCkals Code of Conduct is the starting point for how we solve many issues - and you can read it here it if you have 15 minutes to invest. 

It's all about choices, and throughout the organisation we make countless choices each day. So how does our eminent people (Advisory Group) ensure as many good decisions as possible?

Supported by legal compliance, the MaCkals Code of Conduct is the compass of every MaCkals employee. To keep it top of mind, everyone signs it once a year. We have a similar approach for our business partners - The MaCkals  Business Partner Code of Conduct. And for absolutely everyone, we have a whistle blowing system also. 

Of course, all our tools and annual training have to be followed up. This we do through a range of activities described in the Corporate Governance Report.


Equality can come in any shape or form it likes. Wherever we are we are one and same - HUMAN

In theory, we should be able to hand out all sorts of good advice on how to build an organisation where equality is queen. But to tell you the truth, we have very little idea how we came this far ourselves. What we can tell you is that there is great potential for a diverse and dynamic organisation to achieve good business practice. 

Of course there are no shortcuts, in every aspect of business operations you have to apply your good sense – does this person have the qualities we are looking for? Is this decision going to take our company – profitably – in the right direction? In time, by exercising judgment, our judgment becomes a more reliable instrument. And sooner or later diversity becomes a self fulling prophecy instead of a ball and chain.

Don't stop here and there – make sure you're practicing what you preach inside your organisation. This way your brand will go stronger from both the inside and the outside.

Confidentiality, Privacy & Integrity

What we do to protect your privacy and freedom

Yes and No. How we use them to protect your privacy and freedom of expression

Let's start with data protection - which is a part of privacy and regards the protection of your personal data. There are strict rules about how we should look after the different forms of personal data you entrust to us. These include how we process and store it, how we keep it up to date, provide you with access to it when needed and how we ensure your data is only used for the purpose agreed. Here the answer is yes - we follow rules like these constantly, and are now converting to the new worldwide General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). 

What we do to protect your privacy and freedom


To begin with, confidentiality refers to personal information shared with an attorney, physician, therapist, or other individual that generally cannot be divulged to third parties without the express consent of the client. While confidentiality is an ethical duty, privacy is a right rooted in common law. Patient confidentiality is one of the most important pillars of medicine. Protecting the private details of a patient is not just a matter of moral respect, it is essential in retaining the important bond of trust between the doctor, individual and the service provider. A breach of confidentiality occurs when a patient's private information is disclosed to a third party without his or her consent. There are limited exceptions to this, including disclosures to state health officials and court orders requiring medical records to be produced.

Protecting the Privacy and Security of Your Health Information

The privacy and security of patient health information is a top priority for patients and their families, health care providers and professionals, and the government. Government laws require many of the key persons and organizations that handle health information to have policies and security safeguards in place to protect your health information — whether it is stored on paper or electronically. All governments has Privacy, Security, and Breach Notification Rules to protect your health information. The Privacy Rule gives you rights with respect to your health information. The Privacy Rule also sets limits on how your health information can be used and shared with others. The Security Rule sets rules for how your health information must be kept secure with administrative, technical, and physical safeguards. Medical privacy or health privacy is the practice of maintaining the security and confidentiality of patient records. This involves both the conversational discretion by health care providers and the security of medical records.


Most of us have heard integrity defined as what you do when nobody else is around, or what you do and how you do it on a daily basis. Integrity is a concept that includes consistency in actions, expectations, measures, methods, outcomes, principles, and values. Integrity means our actions are honest and trustworthy. Data integrity is of extreme importance because it is used to identify and track patients as they move from one level of care to another. Ensuring the integrity of healthcare data is important because providers use them in making decisions about patient care.

Electronic documentation tools offer many features that are designed to increase both the quality and the utility of clinical documentation, enhancing communication between all healthcare providers. Processes must be in place to ensure the documentation for the health information used in care, research, and health management is valid, accurate, complete, trustworthy, and timely.

We comply
with law
We dot not offer or
accept bribes
We comply with the MaCkals policies on hospitality and gifts
We avoid conflicts
of interest
We respect human
We treat on
another equally
We minimise our
environmental impacts
We communicate transparently and protect the MaCkals brand
We do not disclose
business secrets
We process customer informaton and other personal data in confidence
We are commited to
fair competition
We comply with insider regulations and MaCkals insider guidelines

Code of Conduct

The M Code of Conduct outlines the shared guidelines for the work of each MaCkals employee and business partners. The M Code of Conduct is used to ensure that everyone at MaCkals has the same understanding of the values and principles that guide our daily work. The principles are the same for every MaCkals employee in all our operating countries. MaCkals wishes to lead the way in responsibility and our stakeholders also hold us to a high standard. This demand for responsibility reaches every area of MaCkals operations. The M Code of Conduct contains 12 principles, and clear examples lay out what is expected of MaCkals employees for example in the areas of Medical and Healthcare Services, Pharma Trading and fair competition. The book of Code of Conduct is available with the Human Resources Department and its compulsory to all employees to accept, sign, read and practice that.

Are You A Business Partner?

The M Code of Conduct binds all MaCkals business partners to act in accordance with shared values and operating principles. MaCkals also expects its business partners to operate in accordance with these principles. Get acquainted with the M Code of Conduct through these eight principles. The book of Code of Conduct is available with the Human Resources Department and its compulsory to all business partners to accept, sign, read and practice that.